Astrology Classes
I teach a small selection of courses each year. Class sizes are limited to 10-12 people to ensure we can work with the charts of individual students.
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What’s Up for the Year 2025?
January 11, 12, 18, 19 2025
An astrological preview
My annual review of the major directions for the coming year brings the energies of the collective into the personal horoscopes of those in class.
What the hell is happening in 2025?
We’ll look at:
The underworld – Pluto – has crossed the border into Aquarius, changing zodiac signs for the first time since 2008; moving from Earth into Air
The ocean – Neptune – life-giving, tidal, titanic, prepares to embrace Saturn, and they both prepare to step into Aries, moving from Water to Fire
The revolutionary – Uranus – continues to rattle Earth, but prepares to move from Earth into Air.
The creative force – Jupiter – prepares to leave Gemini for Cancer, from Air into Water.
Venus gets turned on; Mars takes a stand; and Mercury carries the tunes, all moving forward and backward, retrograding.
The Moon – the constant Moon – illuminates dark Moons and Full Moons and Eclipses.
The Sun ends its 11-year cycle of Coronal Mass Ejections!
Available dates:
In-Person with Carol Ferris and Gayle MacDonald:
Saturday, January 11 from 10 am to noon
Saturday, January 11 from 2 pm to 4 pm
Sunda,y January 12 from 10 am to noon
Sunda,y January 12 from 2 pm to 4 pm
$50 includes individual horoscope
On Zoom with Carol Ferris:
Saturday, January 18 from 10 am to noon
Saturday, January 18 from 2 pm to 4 pm
Sunday, January 19 from 10 to noon
Sunda,y January 19 from 2 pm to 4 pm
Classes are limited to 12 people each.
$50 includes individual horoscope