2024: The Astrological Year - January 12 - 13 - 14 - 20 - One Session
** This course is offered at five different times, please select your desired time below, space is limited.
In this annual class, we’ll look at the upcoming year and apply it to our individual horoscopes (provided) .
How can we picture 2024? How do those pictures inform us?
Friday 1/12 from 7-9 pm PST
Saturday 1/13 from 10am-noon and 2-4 pm
Sunday 1/14 from 10am-noon and 2-4 pm
Saturday 1/20 from 10am-noon and 2-4 pm
(same material covered each class)
Who: limit 10 people/class
Where: Zoom
About Carol Ferris:
Carol Ferris is a full-time practicing Western astrologer, working one-on-one with clients, teaching and mentoring for over 45 years. She is an initiate in the jinjing qigong lineage and has been supported by her teachers to bring cosmic symbolic thinking from that tradition to Western students.
** This course is offered at five different times, please select your desired time below, space is limited.